COVID-19 Code of Conduct (Guests and Staff)
Yellow Dog Lodge, Inc. (YDL) and it’s owners and directors are dedicated to your safety, the safety our staff, other trip participants and preventing the spread of COVID-19. We have therefore made several changes in our program, in line with industry best-practices, to reduce exposure to the novel coronavirus.
However, YDL cannot guarantee that you will not be exposed or infected while participating on our trips.
Please be aware that if you are in one of the following groups your susceptibility to, and the severity of COVID-19 complications may be greater.
- 70 years of age or older
- Pregnant or have recently given birth
- Receiving treatment that compromises the immune system (i.e. corticosteroids, chemotherapy, medications for transplants, TNF inhibitors)
- Having a condition that weakens your immune system (i.e. Lupus, Rheumatoid arthritis, or other autoimmune disorder)
- Regularly going to hospital or health care setting for treatment
Please observe the following recommended guidelines to assist in the reduction of the risk of COVID-19 exposure to all participants.
Pre-Trip Phase
In the immediate days prior to your trip:
- Follow the public guidelines issued by Health Canada and your own provincial or Territorial government.
- Maintain physical distance of 2 metres or greater
- Follow all municipal, provincial, territorial and federal COVID guidelines
- Self monitor for COVID-19 symptoms before departure to the NWT. If you develop symptoms you must notify YDL and cancel or re-schedule your trip.
- Avoid unnecessary stops or contact with others on the trip to your remote wilderness destination
- For the safety of everyone, YDL strongly recommends obtaining a COVID-19 Rapid Antigen Test prior to trip departure. A positive test will necessitate the cancellation or re-scheduling of your trip.
While In Transit
- While traveling to your trip, please follow these guidelines.
- Limit exposure to other people by minimizing rest stops/layovers.
- Wearing a mask when in communal vehicles, aircraft or when less than 2 metres apart.
- Having windows open for ventilation when in communal vehicles.
- Keeping to your seat when in aircraft (except for washroom breaks).
- Bringing your own food/drink.
During the Trip
- Follow procedures and directives issued by the GNWT office of the Public Health.
- Ensure Physical Distancing
- Follow Hand Sanitizing protocol.
- Follow Equipment Sanitizing protocol.
- Be aware of your personal equipment and keep it safe and clean.
- Limit interactions with any other groups that you may encounter while on the trip.
- Make daily check-ins for the safety and welfare of all.
- Report any COVID symptoms to the Yellow Dog Lodge Manager, GNWT office of the Public Health immediately, and start self-isolating.
- If you become ill on trip with one or more symptoms associated with COVID-19, you may need to be evacuated from the trip. Even if symptom free, if contacted mid-trip as part of a public health contact trace program, you understand that you may need to be evacuated from the trip and you are responsible for any costs associated with evacuation.